Southern Arkansas University

Account Information and Password Reset

                                                                         NOTE: This will set your Blackboard, SAU email and MySAU password.
                                                                         Please verify your identity by entering the following.

                                                                         Last Name:
                                                                         First Name:
                                                                         Last 4 digits of SSN: (Use Last 4 digits of ID number if you do not have an SSN)
                                                                         Birthdate (8 digit MMDDYYYY):
                                                                         Verify New Password:

Password must contain 3 of next 4 items
                                                                         Password must contain one of these symbols !@#$%^*-_+&={}|\:,.?/`~<>();
                                                                         Password must contain at least one number (0-9).
                                                                         Password must contain at least one UPPER CASE letter (A-Z).
                                                                         Password must contain at least one lower CASE letter (a-z).

                                                                         Password must be between 8 and 16 characters in length.
                                                                         Password cannot contain your account username.
                                                                         Password cannot repeat a password that you have used before.
                                                                         Password cannot contain any part of your full name.

                                                                         Password change will take approximately 3 minutes after clicking button below.